The new thirty non-law members of the Italian Higher Health Council (Consiglio Superiore si Sanità – Css) were appointed at the beginning of February by the Minister of Health, Giulia Grillo; it will be the same Css, after the official settlement of the new members – which are added to the members by right – to appoint its new president.

The procedure

A blind based on competences procedure has been followed for the appointment of the new members of the Css. The result is a “top” team that also includes many Italian scientists operating abroad, selected transparently according to the number of publications and citations and the impact of these contributions on clinical progress.

In the new Css there will be represented new skills such as in Computer Science and Bioinformatics, Epidemiology, Immunology, Hygiene, Oncological Prevention and the study of  chronic diseases mainly related to the aging of the population, together with experts of global relevance in the field of innovative drugs and cell therapies (Car-T and stem cells).

The new members

Prof. Sergio ABRIGNANI
Ordinary of General Pathology – University of Milan
Prof. Adriano AGUZZI
Director of the Zurich Institute of Neuropathology
Ordinary of Geriatrics – University of Palermo
Prof. Mario Alberto BATTAGLIA
Ordinary of Hygiene and Public Health – University of Siena
Prof. Luca BENCI
Lecturer in Health Law – University of Florence
Ordinary of Pharmacology – University of Catania
Prof. Giuseppe CAMPANILE
Ordinary of Animal Sciences and Technologies – “Federico II” University of Naples
Prof. Claudio COBELLI
Ordinary of Bioengineering – University of Padua
Prof. Giulio COSSU
Ordinary of Regenerative Medicine – University of Manchester
Prof. Giuseppe CURIGLIANO
Associate of Medical Oncology – University of Milan
Scientific Director of the Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital
Prof. Domenico DE LEO
Ordinary of Legal Medicine – University of Verona
Prof. Paola DI GIULIO
Associate of Nursing Sciences – University of Turin
Prof. Marco FERRARI
Ordinary of Odontostomatological Diseases – University of Siena
Prof. Carlo FORESTA
Ordinary of Endocrinology – University of Padua
Prof. Silvia GIORDANO
Ordinary of Histology – University of Turin
Prof. Andrea GIUSTINA
Ordinary of Endocrinology and Metabolism Diseases – S. Raffaele University of Milan
Prof. Andrea LAGHI
Ordinary of Radiology – La Sapienza University of Rome
Prof. Franco LOCATELLI
Deputy Director of Onco – Pediatric Hematology of the Bambino Gesù Hospital
Prof. Francesco LONGO
Associate Dept. of Policy Analysis and Public Management – Bocconi University of Milan
Ordinary of Infectious Diseases of Pets – University of Bari
Prof. Maria G. MASUCCI
Ordinary of Virology – Karolinska Institute of Stockholm – Member of the Nobel Commission
Prof. Marco MONTORSI
Rector of the HUMANITAS University
Ordinary of General Surgery – University of Padua
Prof. Giuseppe REMUZZI
Director of the Irccs “Mario Negri” of Milan
Prof. Camillo RICORDI
Surgery and Cell Transplantation Medicine – University of Miami (USA)
Prof. Massimo RUGGE
Professor of Pathological Anatomy and Oncology – University of Padua
Prof. Giovanni SCAMBIA
Scientific Director of the Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli Irccs Univ. Cattolica
Prof. Fabrizio STARACE
Director of Mental Health Dept. and Pathological Dependencies – AUSL of Modena
Prof. Paolo VINEIS
Ordinary of Epidemiology – Imperial College of London