This was announced on February the 26 by Apeiron Biologics AG. The project is based on the collection, stimulation and subsequent re-inoculation of immune cells in patients with melanoma, pancreatic cancer and other solid tumors that have spread to other parts of the body or can not be removed with surgery. It takes place in America at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center (WFBMC) led by Pierre L. Triozzi, professor of internal medicine at the Comprehensive Cancer Center of WFBMC in North Carolina. Primary endpoint of the study to evaluate the safety, tolerability and optimal dose of autologous immune cells that are gene silenced ex vivo for Cbl-b, a completely new approach to support the immune system’s ability to fight cancer. The immune cells may be more successful in attacking the cancer after Cbl.b silencing siRNA Cbl-b. According to Triozzi: “This activation of the immune system could, in principle be applied for the treatment of any type of cancer, and also in combination with other immunotherapies such as other blocks checkpoint key or vaccination approaches against the tumor”.