The Committee for Legal Affairs (JURI) of the European Parliament approved on 19 February its position on the EU Commission proposal of a regulation governing Union compulsory licensing. The process would be activated in cases of health crisis or emergencies. According to the rapporteur, a main concern refers to the maintenance of the right equilibrium and motivation for innovation and rapid access to essential products and technologies during crises.
Union compulsory licenses should be granted following a 4 weeks period during which the rights-holder may look to find a voluntary licensee. The Parliament asked for a better definition of the term ‘crisis’, as well as the know-how, and how the know-how necessary for the manufacturing of certain products would be disclosed under the Union compulsory license framework. The role and composition of the advisory body should be also clarified, and better guidance on calculation of remuneration for rights-holders should be provided.
Source: European Parliament