The electronic notification procedure for food supplements became officially effective on Monday, 2 July 2018. This procedure covers all “food subject to notification”. Find here all the information.
The procedure
The electronic notification of each food supplement must be send to the Ministry of Health through the system “Food Subject to Notification”.
In case of remarks, the Ministry gave information through a written letter. The operator will also find the requests in the system, but in any case only the registered letter will be valid.
What to do for foods notified with the “old procedure”
For food supplements notified through the previous system and therefore not present in the electronic notification system, a variation procedure must be performed using the new notification mode to enter the foods data. In this case, the operator of the food sector (OSA) at the time of the “new notification” will inform the system that the product has already been notified, including the code previously assigned. In this way the procedure will continue.
The electronic request must be presented using only the electronic notification system.
The Italian OSAs access the system through the “business portal” as indicated in the user manual. The European OSAs or San Marino access the system after having requested the appropriate access key to the office 4, as indicated in the user manual.
Response times
It is possible to verify the outcome of the procedure by connecting to the Institutional Site within 90 days from the sending of the notification request.