Jean-Pierre Paccioni is the new ad interim president of the French Pharmacists Association.
He entered in charge on April 8th, 2017 to replace the former president Isabelle Adenot, named as a new member of the Collège de la Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS).
Upon publication of the new position in the France’s Official Journal – a position Adenot will cover for the next three years – the former president resigned also from the Conseil national de l’Ordre des pharmaciens (CNOP).
HAS Board is made up of six experts named by the France’s Economic, social and environmental Council and it is directed by professor Agnès Buzyn.
Isabelle Adenot has communicated her move to HAS with a letter published at the end of March on the French Pharmacists Association website after being its president for the last eight years and a member of the Board for 30 years.
“You can understand, my colleagues, what does this mean for me. But the decision will in any case pursuit the same continuous level of engagement”, wrote Adenot in her letter. Patients at first, the respect of etics and opening to modernity will continue to characterise her action at the HAS.
Jean-Pierre Paccioni is the former vice-president of CNOP; he will serve as ad interim president, up to the results of the new elections needed to identify the new president of the Association (elections still to be fixed).
Jean-Pierre Paccioni has a long experience as president of the B section (Industrie) of the Central Board of the Pharmacists’ Association, a position he covered from 1994 to 2015. Paccioni has also worked at the beginning of his career as a researcher for the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), after taking the degrees in Organic Chemistry and a diploma from the Paris’ Institute of Industrial Pharmacy.
Paccioni has a long track record of activity within the pharmaceutical industry, where he covered the position of Responsible Pharmacist and is currenlty the vice-president of Pharmaceuticals Affairs of GSK France. Paccioni is also a former president of the European Industrial Pharmacists Group for the periods 1998-2002 and 2013-2016.